How experienced housewives freshen the air in the apartment: one popular spice does better than a freshener

02.04.2022 15:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 19:56

An air freshener is very easy to use and quite effective.

It helps not only to make the air in the room fresher, but also to remove all unpleasant and unnecessary odors.

However, a situation often arises when a pleasant aroma in the apartment is necessary, only a suitable remedy is not at hand.

In this case, a spice will come to the rescue, which is usually used by housewives exclusively for culinary purposes.

What is this spice

It's about the bay leaf. This spice will not only be a great alternative to air freshener, but also cope with the “fragrant” task just as well (and in many cases even better).

Foto: Pixabay

In addition, the advantage of bay leaf is a very quick result: unpleasant odors will be completely “masked” in just a few minutes.

How to use the spice correctly

You need to set fire to the leaf and wait until it completely burns out.

Of course, the procedure must be carried out very carefully and in compliance with fire safety rules.

Therefore, the spice should smolder in a container that can withstand heat. For example, in an ashtray.

After a few minutes, a pleasant smell will appear in the room. Its appearance is explained by the essential oils contained in bay leaf.

The fragrance will quickly mask the "extra" odors. At the same time, it will not be too bright and will not interfere with a person in any way.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. What is this spice
  2. How to use the spice correctly