How a lemon will help keep the house clean for a long time: a life hack that housewives must know

10.04.2022 10:15

Every housewife wants to spend less time cleaning in order to focus more on important things, such as favorite hobbies or evenings with family.

However, not everyone can fulfill this desire. A particular problem in this case is dust, which appears too often on various surfaces.

This is a problem for persons with an allergy.

However, you can deal with dust with one simple tool that will allow you to get out much less often.

There is no need to use household chemicals. A special solution is prepared based on natural products.

Foto: Pixabay

All you need is one lemon and 7 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Fruit should be cut and pour oil. Put all components for a week in the refrigerator after that so that they can brew.

After seven days, filter the mixture and dilute with a glass of boiling water. Soak a dry cloth in the liquid. As soon as it dries, it needs to wipe all surfaces.

Such a rag not only effectively eliminates dust, but also polishes furniture.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource