How to quickly clean the knobs and buttons on the stove: the trick of experienced housewives

06.04.2022 07:15

There are many parts on the stove that are quite difficult to clean.

These are the knobs for adjusting the flame and the ignition button.

Drops of fat fall on these hard-to-reach places, which later dry out.

It is not always possible to completely remove these contaminants by using a cloth or sponge.

However, advanced housewives know what a simple device will greatly simplify the process.

Foto: Pixabay

What tool to take

To remove greasy marks from the buttons and knobs on the stove, a device that simply cannot be missing in the bathroom helps. This is a regular toothbrush.

On it you need to apply a tool that is usually used by the hostess to wipe the surface of the stove. Efficiency will demonstrate and ordinary baking soda.

As a result, the procedure is greatly simplified. The size and softness of the villi contribute to the fact that pollution quickly leaves hard-to-reach places.

In addition, it turns out to save a lot of time, because the process is carried out much faster.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource