How to restore leather shoes after long-term storage: the trick with toothpaste and more

29.04.2022 23:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 02:33

For seasonal storage of shoes, it is necessary to use special pads or at least fill it with paper.

But this solves the problem of the formation of dents and deformation of shoes and shoes.

But what to do with scratches on leather shoes? Here are some life hacks that bring back shine and gloss.


Wax has been used for this for a long time, preferably beeswax.

First you need to clean the damaged surface, remove dust and dirt that may remain in scratches.

Foto: Pixabay

Dry the surface and apply a little wax to the damaged areas. This is done as follows. The wax is applied to a clean cloth, which is carefully rubbed on the shoes, after which the pair is left for 5-10 minutes.

Then remove the wax residue with a clean rag, repeat the procedure if necessary and apply 2-3 coats of paint or cream and let dry.

Olive oil

This method is suitable for dried shoes with prolonged wear. The oil restores the skin's shine and restores its appearance.

It is also applied to rags, after which the damaged surface is treated with circular movements until the oil is completely absorbed and the shoes become dry.


A small amount of toothpaste is applied to a clean cotton cloth, after which the shoes are wiped with light circular movements.

After the paste is absorbed, take a shoe brush and wipe the surface of the shoes.

Leave the steam on for 2 minutes, then take a cotton napkin and remove the remaining toothpaste.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Beeswax
  2. Olive oil
  3. Toothpaste