How to rid an apartment of an old human's smell: a trick of clever housewives

18.04.2022 13:15

Over time, an unpleasant special smell of old age appears in the apartment in which an elderly person lives.

There is no escape from the specific smell, so you need to use a simple piece of advice that will help you to get rid of the suffocating smell in the room and refresh the air.

What are the ways to deal with an unpleasant smell.

First of all, get rid of an old clothes that have been stored for a long time and can smell unpleasant. It also applies to old shoes and interior items.

The room should be regularly ventilated. Thoroughly wash and disinfect all surfaces.

Foto: Pixabay

Do not forget about carpets and curtains, which can quickly absorb unpleasant and specific odors.

Besides this, take measures that will help to get rid of unnecessary junk, which will also turn out to be a dust collector.

Use an apple cider vinegar during the cleaning process.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water, moisten a cloth in the solution and wipe all surfaces with it, including walls and furniture.

If it is possible, change the wallpaper to a new one. Treat them with vinegar to eliminate the smell.

Clean dirty areas with baking soda. Thoroughly wipe all dirt with baking soda solution.

The floors in the apartment should be washed more often than once a day. And add a bleach or a whiteness to the washing water.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource