How to save roses from a dangerous aphid that can destroy a flower in a matter of days

23.04.2022 14:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:19

Gardeners are considering aphids a dangerous pest, because they multiply rapidly and destroy all plantings. 

The invasion of roses is arranged by the rosy green aphid, which is capable of destroying delicate flowers both by itself and by transferring diseases.

What is the danger of aphids for roses

The flowers affected by aphids begin to wither. Their leaves curl and turn yellow, and the buds dry out.

There is a reproduction of a black sooty fungus on a powdery coating, which reduces the level of photosynthesis.

Flowers can become infected with viral and fungal diseases.

Foto: Pixabay

How to deal with aphids

Soap washing and spraying is a successful method of combating aphids. It does not require any expenses and a lot of work.

Household soap should be grated and mixed with water. Pour the finished solution into a spray bottle and treat the plants with it.

Repeat the procedure every 2 weeks or after heavy rain.

To prepare the solution, use household soap without flavorings. Toilet soap with fragrance, on the contrary, can become additional bait for aphids and other pests.