How to sprinkle carpets in the house to remove the unpleasant smell of mustiness and dampness

04.04.2022 07:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 20:12

The main disadvantage of carpeting is that when the carpets lie on the floors for years, a "smell" of mustiness and, as it were, dampness hovers in the house.

Even when there are no pets in the house, carpets eventually acquire an unpleasant smell that cannot be removed.

However, there is no reason to go to a dry-cleaner, when any housewife can find everything that is needed for cleaning carpets.

Backing soda cleaning

If you sprinkle the carpet with backing soda, and after 15 minutes you collect it with a vacuum cleaner, the unpleasant smell will disappear. Baking soda will absorb all the flavors.

Potassium permanganate and vinegar

Foto: Pixabay

Mix the ingredients in an equal consistency and spray onto the carpet with a spray bottle.

When the liquid dries, the carpet needs to be vacuumed.

Wood ash

If the carpet smells of tobacco smoke, sprinkle wood ash over the carpet, roll it up and pack it tightly for several hours.

Repeat several times until the smell is completely gone.

If your carpets smell musty, don't try to get rid of the fungus.

Most likely, such carpets have served their time and it is time to get rid of them.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Backing soda cleaning
  2. Wood ash