How to understand in 30 seconds whether it's time to change the pillow: a note to housewives

05.04.2022 19:15

Not every housewife changes pillows and other bedding on time.

In many homes, you can see pillows that have seen "life", which have taken a strange form.

Of course, you need to get rid of such pillows as soon as possible.

Just imagine what pillows face every night: they absorb sweat, sebum, hair oils, face creams.

However, sometimes you need to throw away a pillow that looks decent.

Foto: Pixabay

This 30-second test will help the housewives understand whether it is necessary to change the pillow.

Fold the pillow in half, hold it in this position for 30 seconds and release.

If the pillow straightens out on its own, then it is in decent shape.

If the pillow does not bounce, but you have to knead it with your hands, then it has a place in the trash.

Such pillows are burdened with dust, dead skin cells, and, perhaps, dust mites live in them.

All pillows in the house should be changed once a year or two, regardless of the material and their appearance.

Moreover, even more so, pillows need to be replaced if lumps have formed in them or an odor emanates from them that is not interrupted by washing gels.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource