Life hack from stewardesses: 1 minute - and the unpleasant smell in the toilet is gone

29.03.2022 23:15

Aerosol air fresheners that we use to avoid unpleasant odors in the toilet will neutralize these odors for a short time.

However, on airplanes, there is no such problem - the toilets there are always clean and smell pleasant.

How do stewardesses keep their restrooms clean?

After all, there can be hundreds of passengers on an airplane, and almost everyone will use the toilet during the flight.

The method invented by stewardesses is both simple and ingenious.

Since aerosol air fresheners are banned on planes, stewardesses use this trick - they pour freshly brewed coffee down the toilet.

Foto: Pixabay

Coffee grounds have a specific and persistent aroma.

The smell of coffee can even kill the smell of bleach, and if you pour a cup of a very strong aromatic drink into the toilet bowl, in a minute the toilet will be filled with a pleasant smell of coffee, and it will stand for a long time.

This method is useful to housewives if uninvited guests are about to cross the threshold, and there is no time to disinfect the toilet.

You can also pour coffee grounds down the toilet just to save on air fresheners.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource