Life hacks with lemon: what everyday problems will citrus help solve

08.04.2022 10:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 21:18

Some household issues of the housewives are solved with the use of tropical fruits. For example, banana peels are used to restore leather products or make fertilizers based on it.

However, the benefits of overseas fruits do not end there, and lemon can bring no less benefit in everyday life.

The range of applications of citrus in the field of domestic issues is much wider than flavoring, descaler and microwave cleaning. There are a couple of forgotten examples.

Cleaning agent

Take 400 ml of warm (50 degrees Celsius) water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. backing soda and add 100 ml of vinegar. After that, squeeze a whole lemon and mix everything.

The tool will perfectly cope with the plaque on the tile, metal sink or faucet.

Foto: Pixabay


The method is suitable for those who are forced to suffer from individual intolerance to chemicals. If lemon does not cause allergies, then its juice can be safely used to restore the white color of your things. Before washing or soaking, you just have to add 50-100 ml of natural lemon juice.

Stain remover

Lemon can be used to remove deodorant stains from clothes. To do this, just apply a little juice to the damaged area, and sprinkle with table salt on top. Then we grind the salt, wash off the product and hang out the clothes to dry in the sun. There will be no trace.

In the same way, you can return the gloss to white sneakers by treating them with lemon juice and simply leaving them to dry in the sun for 1 hour.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Cleaning agent
  2. Bleach
  3. Stain remover