Plant these plants next to cucumbers and the yield will increase by 2 times

27.04.2022 20:15

With good plant compatibility, you can grow a bountiful crop of cucumbers.

Moreover, the wrong choice of neighbors, on the contrary, will prevent you from growing a lot of cucumbers.

Therefore, it is so important to grow only those plants in neighboring beds that will improve the pollination process, attract beneficial insects and protect the whip from the scorching sun.

The yield will increase by 2 times if, for example, corn is grown on the beds adjacent to cucumbers, which is an excellent support for cucumber lashes, they, clinging with their mustaches, climb up the stems.

Corn also protects cucumbers from the wind and the scorching sun.

Foto: Pixabay

Good neighbors for cucumbers are onions, which repel harmful insects with their aroma, and peas, which release nitrogen into the soil, which is necessary for the growth of cucumbers.

To improve the taste, you can plant spinach, celery and Chinese cabbage.

Moreover, radishes and radishes growing next to cucumbers will scare away harmful insects that damage the roots.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource