Smell in the closet: what to do to make clothes smell well

24.04.2022 19:15

Everyone likes it when their sweaters and shirts smell fresh or perfumed. 

But it happens that a specific smell appears in the closet, which permeates the wardrobe items.

This happens especially often with things that are rarely worn.

As a result, clothes have to be washed, but the smells in the closet still persist. 

Experienced housewives recommend following simple rules to prevent the appearance of aromas.

Foto: Pixabay

First of all, you should allocate a separate place for things that have already been put on.

This will save clean clothes from absorbing foreign odors, such as sweat or perfume. 

You can also arrange wormwood twigs in boxes. Thanks to this, you can eliminate the problem in the closet.

At least once every 3 months, it is necessary to clean all things and wash the shelves with a solution of vinegar, and then with a mixture of water and soda.

These products have a disinfecting effect. As soon as they dry out and the closet airs out, you can put jeans and dresses back in there.

To maintain a pleasant aroma, you can put a piece of toilet soap or a little orange peel on the shelf.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource