Two sure ways to get rid of dandelions on the lawn: summer trick

16.04.2022 09:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 23:18

Dandelions, of course, are good. Even beautiful. However, on condition that they do not appear on the lawn.

Otherwise - "explosion of the brain." The picture is, frankly, disgusting. Atleastformany.

Don't like herbicides? And do you think a shovel will ruin the lawn even more?

There are two ways to eliminate dandelions without resorting to these remedies.

Method number 1

Cut off a leaf rosette from a dandelion at the level of the soil.

Foto: Pixabay

Pour a teaspoon of table salt, urea or saltpeter onto the root cut that appears. Dandelion won't survive.

However, the option is not suitable for spring or early summer, since the dandelion, due to the fact that the juice moves upwards at this time, will recover - your remedy will simply dissolve.

Method number 2

Especially for the elimination of dandelions from the lawn, they came up with a thing called a root remover.

Stick the tip into the soil near the dandelion, and then draw it along the root.

Press a little on the handle - take it out together with a grassy perennial.

This tool is very effective in the spring, when the roots of plants are weakened after wintering.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Method number 1
  2. Method number 2