The whole plot will be covered with sweet and large raspberries after 4 simple tricks

21.04.2022 13:15

Experienced gardeners told about 4 tricks, after which the raspberry harvest should become many times more, and the berries should grow larger and sweeter.

The first trick is to prune the raspberry bushes immediately after harvesting every year.

All dry, damaged and diseased branches are subject to pruning.

It is also necessary to cut off all the freshened branches that do not bear fruit, but only take strength from the shrub. 

At best, up to 10 thick stems should remain on one raspberry bush.

Foto: Pixabay

The second trick is that immediately after pruning, raspberries need to be fed with rotted manure or compost. 4-5 kilograms of fertilizers are used per square meter.

The third trick is in another fertilizer. It is also necessary to add ash, but it needs much less – about 100 grams for each bush.

If it is not expected to rain in the coming days, then after fertilizing the raspberries should be immediately watered abundantly. 20-30 liters of water should be poured around each bush.

Without well-moistened soil, raspberries will not produce large and sweet berries next year.

The fourth trick is to mulch raspberries with nettles rich in calcium.

Thanks to this mulch, the soil will be protected from desiccation.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource