Decluttering Your Desk: Interior Tips

15.12.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Cluttered workplace often leads to ineffective work - and it's especially true for perfectionists.

It's pretty hard to keep your desk clean when you have (and need) lots of things daily, but it's still possible to fix!

Here are a few ideas on how to declutter your desk and keep your workplace tidy and nice.

Minimalist Approach

Embrace a minimalist approach by keeping only the items you absolutely need. 

Remove unnecessary decorations or duplicate items.


Organize with Trays or Bins

Use trays or bins to categorize and organize similar items. 

Assign specific spaces for pens, paperclips, and other stationery.

Cable Management

Tidy up cables and wires with cable organizers. 

This not only reduces visual clutter but also makes it easier to clean your desk.

Digital Declutter

Extend the decluttering process to your computer desktop. 

Organize files into folders and remove unnecessary shortcuts for a clean digital workspace.

Vertical Storage

Maximize vertical space by using shelves or wall-mounted organizers. 

This helps free up desk space while keeping important items within reach.

Daily Cleaning Routine

Develop a quick daily cleaning routine. 

Spend a few minutes at the end of each day clearing your desk, filing papers, and putting away items.

Personal Touch

Maintain a balance between minimalism and personalization. 

Keep a few meaningful items like photos or small decorations to personalize your workspace.

Drawer Organization

Utilize desk drawers efficiently. 

Use drawer organizers to separate different items, preventing them from becoming a jumbled mess.

Regular Declutter Sessions

Schedule regular desk declutter sessions. 

This can be weekly or monthly, depending on your workflow. Use this time to reassess and eliminate unnecessary items.

Previously, we talked about making paper lanterns.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Minimalist Approach
  2. Organize with Trays or Bins
  3. Cable Management
  4. Digital Declutter
  5. Vertical Storage
  6. Daily Cleaning Routine
  7. Personal Touch
  8. Drawer Organization
  9. Regular Declutter Sessions