How to change your home decorations for summer: Make it cozy and inviting

06.06.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

You don't have to remodel your house regularly to change the mood of its interior.

In summer, people often need different atmosphere than in winter, so you can change it easily.

Here are some tips on how to make your home more inviting in summer.

Soft textiles

Swap out heavy winter fabrics like wool or fur for lighter, breathable textiles such as linen, cotton, or lightweight knits. 

Use soft throw blankets, lightweight quilts, or decorative pillows in warm colors or summer-inspired patterns to add texture and comfort to your living spaces.


Natural elements

Place potted plants or fresh flowers throughout your rooms, add a bowl of seashells or beach stones as a decorative accent, or introduce woven baskets for storage. 

Warm lighting

Opt for soft, warm-toned lighting using table lamps, string lights, or candles to create a cozy glow in the evenings. 

Consider using flameless candles or battery-operated string lights for safety and convenience during the summer.

Color palette

Consider incorporating shades of earthy tones like soft yellows, warm oranges, or sandy neutrals. 

These colors can add a cozy and welcoming feel to your space without feeling heavy or overpowering.

Relaxing scents

Use scented candles, essential oil diffusers, or linen sprays with fragrances like lavender, citrus, or fresh herbs to create a soothing ambiance. 

These scents can help create a cozy and serene atmosphere in your home.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Soft textiles
  2. Natural elements
  3. Warm lighting
  4. Color palette
  5. Relaxing scents