Interior tips: Creating a decorative lamp shade

16.01.2024 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you want to add some beautiful and ambient atmosphere to your interior, then you should experiment with light and lamp shades.

A decorative lamp shade can add coziness and amazing atmosphere to your house, making it feel warm and creative.

Here's how you can create a nice and stylish lampshade on your own.

Paper cut-out lamp shade

Use sturdy crafting paper or cardstock to create a custom design. 

Draw or trace your desired pattern on the paper, then carefully cut it out using scissors or a craft knife. 


Attach the cut-out to a wire frame or an existing lampshade using glue or clips.

Fabric wrap

Choose a fabric that matches your style and the ambiance you want to create. 

Measure the height and circumference of your lampshade, then cut the fabric accordingly. 

Wrap the fabric around the lampshade, securing it with fabric glue or small stitches. 

Trim any excess fabric for a neat finish.

Natural materials

Gather materials like twigs, small branches, or dried leaves. 

Make a wireframe in the shape and size of your lampshade. 

Attach the natural materials to the frame using hot glue or thin wire, ensuring they are securely fastened. 

This will create a rustic and organic-looking lampshade.

Painted lampshade

Start with a plain lampshade made of fabric or paper. Use acrylic paints and brushes to add your desired patterns or designs. 

You can try simple geometric shapes, floral motifs, or abstract art. Let the paint dry completely before using the lampshade.

Ribbon or lace overlay

Get a plain lampshade and choose a ribbon or lace that you like. 

Wrap the ribbon or lace around the lampshade, securing it with fabric glue or small stitches. 

Experiment with different ribbon widths or lace patterns to create a textured and elegant look.

Upcycled materials

Look for old items like wire mesh, bottle caps, or even plastic spoons. 

Cut or arrange these materials in a creative way to form a lampshade. 

Use adhesive or wire to attach them to a frame or an existing lampshade, turning them into a unique and eye-catching piece.

Previously, we talked about creating an eclectic interior.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Paper cut-out lamp shade
  2. Fabric wrap
  3. Natural materials
  4. Painted lampshade
  5. Ribbon or lace overlay
  6. Upcycled materials