Interior tips: Holidays are over – store your Christmas decorations properly

26.01.2024 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Christmas decorations aren't present all the time – people usually use them for a month or a few weeks in winter, and then take them away.

Meanwhile, if you have lots of them, then you should store them properly, so they won't break or create additional clutter.

Here are a few tips on how to store them properly.

Remove Decoration

Take off all the ornaments, lights, and other decorations from your Christmas tree and around your home. 

Gently untangle any lights so they don't get damaged.


Use Storage Containers

Find sturdy boxes or plastic containers to store your decorations. 

It's good to have separate boxes for different types of items to make it easier next year.

Wrap Fragile Items

If you have delicate ornaments or decorations, wrap them in tissue paper or bubble wrap. 

This helps prevent them from breaking.

Label Boxes

Write on the outside of each box to indicate what's inside. 

This way, when you open them next year, you'll know where everything is.

Store Lights Carefully

If you have holiday lights, consider using a cord organizer or wrapping them around something like a piece of cardboard to prevent them from tangling.

Keep It Dry

Make sure your storage area is dry. Moisture can damage decorations, so a cool and dry place is ideal.

Secure Tree Decorations

If you have a Christmas tree, take it down carefully. If it's artificial, collapse it and put it back in its box. 

If it's a real tree, recycle it according to your local guidelines.

Check Ornaments

Before storing, check if any decorations are damaged. If they are, decide if they can be fixed or if it's time to say goodbye.

Previously, we talked about frame TV benefits.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Remove Decoration
  2. Use Storage Containers
  3. Wrap Fragile Items
  4. Label Boxes
  5. Store Lights Carefully
  6. Keep It Dry
  7. Secure Tree Decorations
  8. Check Ornaments