Interior tips: Senior's bedroom – tips to make it convenient

22.01.2024 23:02
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you have senior family members living with you, then you know that older people might need some extra comfort and convenience in life.

If you want their bedroom to be the place where they can actually relax, then you have to make it really accessible and convenient.

Here are a few tips on how to achieve that.

Easy Access

Place the bed in a way that it's easy to get in and out. Avoid too much furniture around the bed.

Good Lighting

Make sure there's enough light. Add lamps or nightlights so the room is not too dark.


Non-Slip Flooring

Use rugs or carpets with a non-slip backing. This helps prevent slipping.

Bedside Table

Have a small table next to the bed. This is handy for things like a glass of water, a book, or medication.

Comfortable Mattress

Choose a mattress that's not too soft or too hard. It should provide good support for a good night's sleep.

Accessible Clothes

Keep clothes in easy-to-reach places. Avoid high shelves or closets that are hard to open.

Chair or Sitting Area

Include a comfortable chair or sitting area. This is useful for putting on shoes or taking a break.

Emergency Kit

Have an emergency kit nearby. This can include a flashlight, important phone numbers, and any necessary medications.

Clear Pathways

Make sure there's enough space to walk around easily. Remove any obstacles or clutter.

Grab Bars

Install grab bars near the bed or in the bathroom. These are helpful for stability.

Easy-to-Use Curtains

Use curtains that are easy to open and close. This allows for natural light during the day and privacy at night.

Temperature Control

Keep the room at a comfortable temperature. Use blankets or fans as needed.

Phone Accessibility

Have a phone within reach. This is important in case of emergencies.

Bathroom Accessibility

If possible, make sure the bedroom is close to the bathroom. This makes nighttime trips easier.

Previously, we talked about artificial plants.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Easy Access
  2. Good Lighting
  3. Non-Slip Flooring
  4. Bedside Table
  5. Comfortable Mattress
  6. Accessible Clothes
  7. Chair or Sitting Area
  8. Emergency Kit
  9. Clear Pathways
  10. Grab Bars
  11. Easy-to-Use Curtains
  12. Temperature Control
  13. Phone Accessibility
  14. Bathroom Accessibility