Is it worth installing a real fireplace in your home: professional opinion

23.04.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A fireplace is, of course, beautiful, but it is not for everyone.

In this article, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a fireplace.

Is it worth installing a fireplace in your home

A fireplace in the home can be beneficial as watching the fire is calming.

This relieves stress, helps you relax and take your mind off negative thoughts, and reduce anxiety.

In addition, the fireplace improves the air ventilation system.


This, in turn, increases the amount of oxygen in the house and reduces the risk of the spread of viral diseases.

Listening to the crackling of logs in a wood-burning fireplace can free your mind and put you in a meditative state.

In addition, a fireplace is certainly stylish and beautiful.

A fireplace adds comfort and a special atmosphere to your evenings.

The downside is the high cost. You won't necessarily recoup the installation costs; prices may be high.

Also, a fireplace may not be suitable for people who suffer from asthma or allergies.

Even a small amount of smoke from a wood fire can be enough to cause serious problems.

Improper maintenance of the fireplace can lead to large amounts of ash and deterioration of the air quality in the home.

Where is the best place to put a fireplace in the house

If you decide to install a fireplace in your home, it is best to place it near the end wall.

In addition, a good option would be to place the fireplace in the corner between the internal walls.

In a small room, corner stone stoves will look very advantageous.

Sometimes, with the help of corner fireplaces, three adjacent rooms are heated at once.

Previously, we told you how to add comfort and style to your living room.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it worth installing a fireplace in your home
  2. Where is the best place to put a fireplace in the house