It's time to remove them: Home decor after holidays

05.11.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you love decorating your house for holidays, then you know that at some point you have to remove them all, because the holiday is over.

In most cases, there are no strict guides on when you are supposed to get rid of your holiday decorations, but leaving them for too long isn't great.

Here are some tips that might help.

After the Holiday Season

It's best to start removing decorations after the holiday or festival is over. 

For example, for Christmas, most people start taking down decorations after New Year's Day.


Avoid Leaving Them Up Too Long

Leaving holiday decorations up for too long after the holiday can make your home feel cluttered and untidy. 

It's a good idea to start removing them within a week or so after the holiday ends.

Check Local Traditions

In some places, there are specific traditions or superstitions about when to take down decorations. 

For instance, some people believe it's best to take down Christmas decorations before the New Year for good luck.

Consider Outdoor Decorations

Outdoor decorations, like lights and wreaths, are often taken down a bit earlier than indoor decorations. 

This is because they are more exposed to the elements and can start to look weathered.

Seasonal Transitions

Pay attention to the natural transition between seasons. 

For example, if you have winter decorations up, it's a good idea to remove them as spring approaches.

Avoid Leaving Lights On

If you have holiday lights, it's a good practice to turn them off at night, especially after the holiday is over. 

This not only conserves energy but also signals that the holiday season has ended.

Listen to Your Instincts

Trust your own feelings about when it's time to remove decorations. 

If they start to feel out of place or no longer bring joy, it's a good indication that it's time to take them down.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. After the Holiday Season
  2. Avoid Leaving Them Up Too Long
  3. Check Local Traditions
  4. Consider Outdoor Decorations
  5. Seasonal Transitions
  6. Avoid Leaving Lights On
  7. Listen to Your Instincts