Leveling walls for wallpapers: Remodeling tips

11.09.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Well, it's time to change wallpapers in your house - so what should you do first?

If you aren't sure that your walls are completely smooth and flawless, then it's better to level them first - even if you use thick and textured wallpapers.

Here are a few reasons why a smooth surface is important not only for painted walls, but also for wallpapers.

Smooth Surface

When you level your walls, you make sure they are flat and even. 

This is like making the ground smooth before you build a house. It helps the wallpaper stick nicely and look good.


No Bumps or Dips

If your walls have bumps or dents, the wallpaper might not stick properly. 

It could look wrinkled or not stay in place. Leveling the walls helps get rid of these bumps and dips.

Even Colors

When your walls are level, the wallpaper's colors will look even. If the wall is uneven, the colors might look different in some spots.


A smooth, level wall helps the wallpaper stay in good shape for a long time. 

It's like building a strong foundation for a house. If the foundation is good, the house stands strong.


If you actually want your living space to look great, then you shouldn't skip some important steps like leveling your walls - or you might regret it later.

Make everything nice and clean, so your newly remodeled house will make your happy for years!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Smooth Surface
  2. No Bumps or Dips
  3. Even Colors
  4. Long-lasting
  5. Conclusion