Make your bathroom cozy: Interior designer's tips

15.09.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Most people don't think about their bathrooms as cozy places - this room often seems to be just practical.

Meanwhile, if you have kids, or just want to relax in your bath properly after a hard day at work, your bathroom is better to be nice and relaxing.

Here are a few tips on how to make it cozier, so you and your family can enjoy your time there more.

Soft Towels

Get some soft, fluffy towels in your favorite colors. They'll feel nice and look great.

Warm Colors

Use warm colors like soft blues, earthy greens, or gentle browns for paint or decorations. These colors make a space feel cozy.



Put down a soft, non-slip rug near the shower or sink. It'll feel good under your feet and keep you from slipping.

Candles or Lights

Add soft, warm lighting. You can use candles or get some warm-toned light bulbs. They make the bathroom feel relaxing.


Get some small, easy-to-care-for plants like succulents or ferns. They bring nature inside and add a cozy feeling.

Art or Pictures

Hang up some art or pictures that you like. It personalizes the space and makes it feel more inviting.

Shower Curtain or Screen

Choose a curtain or screen with a nice pattern or color. It can add a touch of style to the bathroom.

Soft Music or Sounds: Play some soft music or nature sounds while you're in the bathroom. It adds a calming atmosphere.


Use scents you like. You can have a small diffuser, scented candles, or even potpourri. Pleasant smells make a space cozy.


Don't forget that you can decorate your bathroom interior just like you decorate any other room of your house.

Use candles, hand-made soap, and nice towels to make it look its best!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Soft Towels
  2. Warm Colors
  3. Rugs
  4. Candles or Lights
  5. Plants
  6. Art or Pictures
  7. Shower Curtain or Screen
  8. Fragrances
  9. Conclusion