Make your furniture new again: How to make old furniture new and trendy again

07.08.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Turning old furniture into new and interesting pieces can be a rewarding and creative DIY project. 

It not only saves money but also gives you a chance to personalize your living space. 

Here's a guide on how to transform your old furniture into something fresh and exciting.

Assessment and Planning

Examine your old furniture to determine its condition. 

Check for structural integrity, damage, and any repairs needed.


Cleaning and Repair

Clean the furniture thoroughly to remove dirt, dust, and grime. 

Depending on the material, use appropriate cleaning methods.

Repair any structural issues, loose joints, or broken parts. 


If the furniture has a glossy finish, sand it lightly to create a rough surface for better paint or finish adhesion.

Remove any hardware, such as handles or knobs, before starting the makeover.

Painting and Finishing

Choose a paint color or finish that suits your new design. 

Consider using chalk paint, milk paint, or a specialized furniture paint for the best results.

Apply multiple thin coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly between applications. 

Sand lightly between coats for a smooth finish.

Experiment with techniques like distressing, stenciling, or adding patterns to create unique designs.

Hardware and Accessories

Replace or update hardware, such as handles, knobs, or hinges, to give the furniture a fresh look.

Add decorative elements like appliques, decals, or upholstery to enhance the visual appeal.

Upholstery and Fabric

If your furniture has upholstery, consider reupholstering it with new fabric to completely transform its appearance.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Assessment and Planning
  2. Cleaning and Repair
  3. Preparation
  4. Painting and Finishing
  5. Hardware and Accessories
  6. Upholstery and Fabric