Proportions matter: Choosing the furniture

27.11.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Our houses can be quite different in terms of size - some people live in spacious buildings with high ceilings, and others rent small cozy flats.

You can't just buy any furniture for your house, because it has to be proportionate, ir it might feel and look weird.

Here are some tips on how to choose perfectly proportionate furniture.

Accurate Measurements

Measure not only the length and width of your living room but also the height of the walls. 

This helps when considering the size of furniture pieces and their visual impact.


Traffic Flow

Think about how people will move around the room. Leave enough space between furniture pieces for easy movement. 

Consider creating pathways from one area to another.


Identify the primary functions of your living room. Do you entertain guests frequently, watch TV, or use it as a family gathering space? 

The furniture should align with the room's purpose.

Focal Point

Choose a focal point in the room, such as a fireplace, a large window, or a TV. 

Arrange furniture to highlight and complement this focal point. This creates a natural flow in the room.

Proportionate Sofa

When selecting a sofa, consider its size in relation to the room. 

A large room can accommodate a sectional, while a smaller room might need a more compact sofa. 

The sofa's scale should match the room's proportions.

Balanced Arrangement

Mix larger furniture pieces with smaller ones to create balance. 

Avoid clustering all the large furniture on one side of the room and all the small pieces on the other. Distribute them evenly.

Colors and Style Coordination

Choose furniture colors and styles that complement the existing color palette and decor of the room. 

This creates a cohesive and harmonious look.

Multifunctional Pieces

Opt for furniture that serves multiple purposes, especially in smaller living rooms. 

For example, a coffee table with storage or a sofa bed can add functionality without overcrowding the space.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Accurate Measurements
  2. Traffic Flow
  3. Functionality
  4. Focal Point
  5. Proportionate Sofa
  6. Balanced Arrangement
  7. Colors and Style Coordination
  8. Multifunctional Pieces