What mistakes in bedroom design will interfere with normal sleep: designers' opinion

16.04.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Your quality of sleep can be affected by your bedroom design.

In the article we will tell you, which bedroom is best for good relaxation and sleep.

Which bedroom promotes good sleep

The design and furnishings of your bedroom should set you up for sleep.

Your bedroom shouldn't be stressful. Bright colors of walls and bed linen may not be suitable for the bedroom interior.

Choose calm tones of colors for your design. For example, light blue, green or purple.


These colors have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, helping to relax and fall asleep faster.

Clutter is also known to affect your ability to concentrate, affect your sleep, as well as your anxiety levels and mental well-being.

So make sure everything in your bedroom is in its place.

Don't forget to dust the shelves, vacuum and ventilate the room to keep the air clean.

Monitor the temperature and humidity of the bedroom.

This is also important for your well-being.

To feel as comfortable as possible, choose comfortable bedding, mattress and bed.

It should be convenient and of high quality; you should not skimp on your comfort.

In addition, minimize the number of light sources in the bedroom.

Turn off overhead lights and use blackout curtains if outside light bothers you. Use night lights in warm colors.

Bright blue light coming from windows or electronics can disrupt your sleep.

Turning off gadgets, using blackout curtains, and keeping the lights very dim at night can improve your rest.

Previously, we told you how to update your kitchen interior quickly and easily.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource