When a bedroom is too small for a wardrobe: Interior tips

28.09.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Most people prefer to have their wardrobes and dressers in their bedrooms - it's simply convenient.

Meanwhile, some bedrooms are too small for that, so you can't place a big wardrobe or a dresser inside your bedroom.

Here are a few tips on what to do to store your clothes comfortably in a smaller living space.

Use Under-Bed Storage

Get storage bins or drawers that fit under your bed. You can keep clothes, shoes, or other items in them. It's a hidden and space-saving solution.

Wall-Mounted Shelves

Install shelves on your bedroom walls. You can place folded clothes, shoes, or accessories on these shelves. 

small bedroom

It keeps things organized and doesn't take up floor space.

Clothing Racks

Consider using a clothing rack or garment rack. These are like portable closets on wheels. 

You can hang your clothes on them, and they can be moved around easily.

Use Drawer Organizers

Inside your existing drawers, use organizers or dividers to maximize the space. This way, you can keep your clothes neatly separated.


Go through your clothes and belongings regularly. If you have items you don't use or need anymore, consider donating or selling them. 

Less stuff means less need for storage.

Double-Duty Furniture

Look for furniture that can serve multiple purposes. 

For example, a bed with storage drawers underneath or a bedside table with shelves can help you save space.

Hanging Storage

Use hanging organizers that can go on the back of your bedroom door or in your closet. These are great for shoes, accessories, or small items.

Store Seasonal Items Elsewhere

If you have items you only use during certain seasons (like heavy coats in winter), consider storing them in another room or in a separate storage space.


Combine these tips to store your items comfortably!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use Under-Bed Storage
  2. Wall-Mounted Shelves
  3. Clothing Racks
  4. Use Drawer Organizers
  5. Declutter
  6. Double-Duty Furniture
  7. Hanging Storage
  8. Store Seasonal Items Elsewhere
  9. Conclusion