When fashion comes back: Interior trends from the past that are fashionable again

19.06.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

When you look through the most fashionable interior design trends these days, you might see lots of things that used to be trendy before.

Fashion often comes back, so it's no surprise that some popular things that used to be seen as dated are popular again.

Here are a few examples of them.

Mid-Century Modern

Iconic furniture pieces from this era, such as Eames chairs and Scandinavian designs, are highly sought after.

Art Deco

Art Deco, originating in the 1920s and 1930s, is known for its opulence, geometric patterns, and luxurious materials. 

art deco interior

This trend is making a resurgence with its bold colors, shiny metallic accents, and intricate details. 


Bohemian interiors often feature rattan furniture, macramé wall hangings, layered textiles, and an abundance of plants.


Modern interpretations of terrazzo feature a wide range of colors and patterns, and it can be found in various home accessories, from coasters to countertops.


From intricate patterns to bold textures, wallpaper adds depth, personality, and visual interest to a space. 

Popular designs include floral motifs, geometric patterns, and textured wallpapers that mimic natural materials like wood or brick.

Vintage and Retro Accents

Incorporating vintage and retro elements into contemporary interiors has become increasingly popular. 

Mixing old and new creates a unique and personalized design aesthetic.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mid-Century Modern
  2. Art Deco
  3. Bohemian
  4. Terrazzo
  5. Wallpaper
  6. Vintage and Retro Accents