Helpful Hint: How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Clothes Easily

09.05.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Chocolate is a product that often stains clothes, as it melts at human body temperature.

Getting rid of chocolate stains can be tricky.

However, it is enough to know just a few nuances.

In this article, we will talk about an effective way to remove chocolate stains from clothes.

What you need to clean your clothes

  • Ice;
  • Plastic bag;
  • Washing powder with enzyme particles;
  • Anti-stain bleach powder;
  • Stain remover for clothes.

How to clean clothes with chocolate stains


Chocolate is easier to remove if you cool the stain.


To do this, put the piece of clothing with ice cubes in a plastic bag for 10 minutes.

This will harden the chocolate and make it easier to remove from the fabric.

Removing chocolate

Then you need to scrape off the chocolate with a dull knife or a teaspoon.

However, do not rub the chocolate, work on the surface.

Then follow the steps:

  1. Rinse clothing under a powerful stream of cold water.
  2. Apply laundry detergent to the surface of the fabric and leave the item for 15 minutes.
  3. Put the clothes in the wash at any temperature, depending on the type of fabric.
  4. Do not use the dryer, hang the item outdoors.

If traces of chocolate remain, use clothing bleach as directed.

By following these tips, you will be able to quickly and easily get rid of chocolate stains on clothes.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What you need to clean your clothes
  2. How to clean clothes with chocolate stains
  3. Cooling
  4. Removing chocolate