Housekeeping tips: Don't leave your coffee machine moldy – clean it!

28.12.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Your kitchen appliances are often prone to getting moldy - it's a sad reality for most people.

Moisture and food particles can lead to mold, which can be unpleasant and even dangerous.

Here are a few tips on what you can do with it.

Unplug the machine

Make sure the coffee machine is unplugged from the power source before cleaning it. Safety first!

Disassemble removable parts

Take apart any removable components of the coffee machine, such as the filter basket, carafe, or water reservoir. 


Check the manufacturer's instructions if you're unsure how to detach them.

Wash removable parts

Thoroughly wash the detachable parts with warm water and mild dish soap. 

Scrub them gently using a sponge or brush to remove any visible mold or residue. 

Rinse them well to ensure no soap remains.

Clean the machine's interior

Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Fill the water reservoir with this solution. 

Run a cleaning cycle or brew a full pot using this vinegar-water mixture. 

This helps disinfect and remove mold from the internal components of the machine.

Rinse with water

After the vinegar-water cleaning cycle, empty the reservoir and rinse it thoroughly with clean water. 

Repeat this rinsing process until the vinegar smell is no longer present.

Wipe the exterior

Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the exterior surface of the coffee machine, including buttons, knobs, and the body. 

This helps remove any dirt or mold that may have accumulated on the outer parts.

Dry and reassemble

Allow all the parts to air dry completely. 

Once dry, reassemble the coffee machine, ensuring that everything is put back in its proper place.

Previously, we talked about wooden floor pests.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Unplug the machine
  2. Disassemble removable parts
  3. Wash removable parts
  4. Clean the machine's interior
  5. Rinse with water
  6. Wipe the exterior
  7. Dry and reassemble