Housekeeping tips: Dry your wet shoes properly

26.01.2024 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If your shoes get wet, then you should dry them as soon as you come home, so you won't damage them.

Leaving them wet can lead to material damage, bad smells, or even mold appearing inside.

Here are a few tips on how to dry your shoes without damaging them.

Remove Excess Water

If your shoes are soaked, start by shaking them to remove as much water as possible. You can also use a dry towel to gently pat them dry.

Open Them Up

Loosen the laces and open up the shoes as much as possible. This helps air circulate inside.


Remove Insoles

Take out the insoles if they are removable. This allows air to reach all parts of the shoe, including the insole.

Stuff with Newspaper or Paper Towels

Crumple up newspaper or paper towels and stuff them inside the shoes. 

These materials are excellent at absorbing moisture. Change them every few hours until the shoes are dry.

Use Shoe Trees

If you have shoe trees, insert them into your shoes. Shoe trees help maintain the shape of the shoes and absorb moisture.

Place in a Well-Ventilated Area

Put your shoes in a location with good air circulation. 

This could be near an open window or under a fan. Avoid enclosed spaces as they can trap moisture.

Avoid Direct Heat

Never use direct heat sources like hairdryers or heaters. High heat can damage the shoe material and affect its structure.

Rotate the Shoes

If you're drying multiple pairs, rotate them to ensure each gets enough air exposure.

Sunlight (Optional)

If it's a sunny day, you can place your shoes outside to benefit from natural sunlight. 

However, avoid prolonged exposure as it can fade colors and affect certain materials.

Be Patient

Drying shoes thoroughly takes time. Rushing the process may result in a less effective outcome or even damage your shoes.

Previously, we talked about getting rid of old furniture.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Remove Excess Water
  2. Open Them Up
  3. Remove Insoles
  4. Stuff with Newspaper or Paper Towels
  5. Use Shoe Trees
  6. Place in a Well-Ventilated Area
  7. Avoid Direct Heat
  8. Rotate the Shoes
  9. Sunlight (Optional)
  10. Be Patient