How to get rid of wall paint stains: Tips that work

29.06.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

After you remodel your house and repaint your walls, you cal often see a few random wall paint stains.

While sometimes they are small and barely noticeable, other times they can really ruin your design.

There are a few ways how you can get rid of them.

Blot the stain promptly with a clean, moist cloth or sponge.

Avoid rubbing, as it might disseminate the stain.

girl paint

If the stain lingers, blend mild dish soap with tepid water and delicately pat the stain using a tender cloth or sponge.

For more obstinate stains, experiment with a concoction of equivalent parts white vinegar and water.

Administer it to the stain, allow it to rest for a few minutes, then blot with an unsoiled cloth or sponge.

Oil-Based Paint Stains on Walls

Commence by blotting the stain with a fresh cloth or paper towel.

In the case of a recent stain, you can try employing a cloth damped with rubbing alcohol.

Gently blot the stain until it elevates.

Ensure to assess the rubbing alcohol on an inconspicuous area beforehand to guarantee it won't harm the paint.

If the stain persists, you might require a commercial paint remover or a mild solvent explicitly designed for eradicating oil-based paint stains.

Paint Stains on Hard Surfaces (e.g., wood, laminate, tile)

Eliminate any dried or surplus paint by scraping it off with a plastic scraper or putty knife.

Depending on the surface composition, you can utilize a mild soap and lukewarm water solution, a gentle cleaning spray, or a specialized cleaner recommended for that particular surface.

Apply it to the stain and gently scrub using a soft cloth or sponge.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Oil-Based Paint Stains on Walls
  2. Paint Stains on Hard Surfaces (e.g., wood, laminate, tile)