How often you should clean textured walls: Housekeeping tips

03.08.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Textured walls often look amazing, but their texture also attracts lots of dust, which makes it look dirty and unappealing.

The frequency of cleaning textured walls depends on several factors, including the type of texture, the location of the walls, the level of traffic, and any specific issues like dust or stains. 

Here are some general guidelines for cleaning textured walls.

Light Dusting

For lightly textured walls, such as those with a subtle stucco or popcorn texture, dusting once a month or as needed should be sufficient. 

Use a dry microfiber cloth or a soft-bristle brush to gently remove surface dust and dirt.

wood texture

Regular Vacuuming

If the textured walls are in high-traffic areas or tend to collect more dust, consider vacuuming them regularly with a brush attachment. 

This can help remove dust from the textured crevices effectively.

Painted Textured Walls

If the textured walls are painted, be cautious while cleaning to avoid damaging the paint. 

Test any cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't affect the paint's finish.

Kitchen and Bathroom

Textured walls in the kitchen and bathroom may require more frequent cleaning due to cooking grease, moisture, and splatters. 

Clean these areas as needed to prevent buildup.

Pets and Children

If you have pets or young children, the walls may get dirtier more quickly. 

Regularly inspect and clean any smudges, handprints, or paw marks.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Light Dusting
  2. Regular Vacuuming
  3. Painted Textured Walls
  4. Kitchen and Bathroom
  5. Pets and Children