Making mirrors clean: Common cleaning mistakes

05.06.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Some people just can't make their mirrors spotless - you can always see lines or scratches on these surfaces.

To fix that, learn more about cleaning mistakes that make your mirrors look worse than they could.

Here are some of them.

Using the wrong cleaning solutions

Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners or those containing ammonia, as they can damage the mirror and leave streaks. 

Instead, opt for mild and non-abrasive cleaners specifically designed for glass or mirrors. 


Using rough or abrasive materials

Abrasive materials like rough cloths, paper towels, or scrub brushes can scratch the mirror's surface. 

Avoid using these materials and opt for soft, lint-free microfiber cloths or specifically designed glass cleaning cloths. 

Applying too much cleaning solution

Using excessive cleaning solution can lead to streaks and smudges. 

Spray a small amount of cleaning solution onto the cloth or directly onto the mirror's surface, and then wipe in a gentle, circular motion. 

Neglecting the edges and corners

It's common to focus on the central portion of the mirror while neglecting the edges and corners. 

Dust and dirt can accumulate in these areas, resulting in an incomplete clean. 

Cleaning on a sunny or hot day

Cleaning mirrors on a sunny or hot day can lead to quicker drying of the cleaning solution, leaving behind streaks or smudges. 

Try to clean your mirrors on a cloudy or cooler day, or choose a time when the mirror is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Using the wrong cleaning solutions
  2. Using rough or abrasive materials
  3. Applying too much cleaning solution
  4. Neglecting the edges and corners
  5. Cleaning on a sunny or hot day