Useful Tips: How to Clean a Window Sill from Various Dirt

16.09.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

A solution of soda and vinegar whitens and cleans surfaces well.

Sprinkle baking soda onto the stain and rub the powder with a rag dampened with vinegar.

You can add liquid soap to the components of the composition.

Leave the resulting foam for about twenty minutes, then clean the surface and wash with clean water.

How can you remove dried polyurethane foam

It is advisable to do without chemical compounds so as not to spoil the surface.


Trim the main drop of foam with a knife, then apply regular vegetable oil.

It will soften the foam, after which you can wash off the sealant by rubbing it with the abrasive side of a dish sponge.

You can also use dimexide.

How to remove old paint from plastic windows

You can use refined gasoline, kerosene, white spirit, brake fluid, alcohol or ammonia.

Contamination from paint is a fixable thing, but it is better to remove concrete mortar immediately.

How to remove dried film from a window - White spirit

An accessible, inexpensive and safe way to remove film from a window.

Pry the film off one edge and apply white spirit into the gap.

After a couple of minutes, the product will soften the dried film and it can be easily removed from the window.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How can you remove dried polyurethane foam
  2. How to remove old paint from plastic windows
  3. How to remove dried film from a window - White spirit