Why a house can be infested: Bedbug reasons

02.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Bed Bugs are one of the most horrifying and hard-to-get-rid-of pests you can suddenly notice in your house.

While some people think that they only appear in dirty houses, it's simply not true - but what are the main reasons for infestations?

Let's find out more about them.


Sometimes, when people travel and stay in hotels or other places with bedbugs, these tiny bugs can hitch a ride on luggage or clothes. 

When the person returns home, the bedbugs come with them.


Used Furniture

If you bring in used furniture like mattresses, sofas, or chairs, and those items had bedbugs, those bed bugs might spread to your house.


When guests come to your home, they might unknowingly bring bedbugs with them. 

Bed Bugs can hide in their bags or clothes and then move into your house.


If your neighbors have bed bugs and they're not taking care of the problem, the bugs can easily crawl into your home through cracks or shared walls.

Second Hand Items

Buying secondhand clothes, bedding, or stuffed animals can also introduce bed bugs if they were present in those items.

Not Cleaning Regularly

Sometimes, clutter or not cleaning regularly can make it easier for bedbugs to hide and multiply in your home.

Dirty houses don't attract these bugs, but make it easier for them to hide.


To avoid bedbugs, you should be very careful when inviting guests, traveling, or buying used furniture and pillows.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Traveling
  2. Used Furniture
  3. Visitors
  4. Neighbors
  5. Second Hand Items
  6. Not Cleaning Regularly
  7. Conclusion