Why your windows don't close well: Housekeeping tips

21.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

In late fall and winter, windows have to work well - or else, you can lose lots of warmth and make your heating less effective.

There are plenty of different kinds of windows with different closing mechanisms, and it's not always hard to identify a problem.

Here are a few things you should do to understand why your windows don't close tightly.

Check for Obstacles

Sometimes, things like dirt, dust, or small objects can get in the way of your window closing properly. 

Look along the track where the window slides and make sure it's clean and free from anything that might be blocking it.


Look at the Hinges or Rollers

Many windows have parts that help them slide or roll. 

If these parts are damaged or worn out, your window might not close smoothly. 

Inspect the hinges or rollers to see if they are in good condition.

Weather Stripping

Windows often have a strip of material to keep out drafts. 

If this weather stripping is damaged or old, it might affect how well the window closes. 

Check to see if the weather stripping is intact and not falling apart.

Warped Frames

Over time, window frames can warp due to changes in temperature and humidity. 

This can make it difficult for the window to fit snugly into the frame. 

If you notice any warping, you may need to consider repairs or replacements.


Sometimes, windows need a bit of help sliding smoothly. 

Applying a silicone-based lubricant to the tracks can make a big difference.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Check for Obstacles
  2. Look at the Hinges or Rollers
  3. Weather Stripping
  4. Warped Frames
  5. Lubrication