

Rust on an iron is a common problem. In this article, we will tell you where rust comes from and how to get rid of it.

Diana Dashkevich iron cleaning cleaning tips rust Helpful tips 25 April 2024

Curtains are very easy to damage while ironing. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to iron curtains carefully and safely.

Diana Dashkevich curtains blackout curtains cleaning housekeeping tips Helpful tips 18 April 2024

If you have to iron your clothes regularly, then you should be very careful with different types of fabrics – some of them might be tricky! While natural fabrics are easy to iron, other types of fabric can be damaged by heat, so they can stick to your iron.

Kate Yakimchuk iron clothing care clothes washing tips Helpful tips 11 January 2024

As a rule, the soleplate of the iron sticks to the laundry if it is dirty. Fabric fibers and pieces of plastic can stick to it, and over time a limescale deposit will form on the surface.

Diana Dashkevich fabric materials cleaning tips washing tips Helpful tips 30 November 2023

If you iron your clothes regularly, then at some point you might notice that your clothes stick to the iron. It can be quite irritating and uncomfortable, and it can also damage your clothes sometimes.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 31 October 2023

Some items don't need ironing, and other clothes look awful after you wash and dry them, so ironing them is essential. Meanwhile, ironing can also destroy some of your clothes, especially when you do it wrong.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 17 October 2023

To ensure that iron marks do not remain on items, items are turned inside out before ironing. The exception is men's shirts, which are ironed on the outside. Wool items can be ironed on both sides. Nevertheless, if you iron from the face, you need to place a damp cloth.

Diana Dashkevich clothes clothing care iron Helpful tips 17 October 2023

Modern people seem to iron pretty rarely when compared to their parents - lots of people simply don't have time for that. If you still want your clothes to look good, then you need to learn how to dry them to avoid wrinkles, at least.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 6 September 2023

Ironing clothes is a common household task that helps maintain a neat and polished appearance.  However, there are several ironing mistakes that, if not avoided, can potentially damage your clothes. 

Kate Yakimchuk laundry clothes mistakes Helpful tips 19 August 2023

If you don't have an iron, or you just really dislike ironing your clothes, then you still can keep them good-looking. Taking care of your clothes without relying on ironing involves adopting proper laundering, drying, and storing practices. 

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 12 August 2023

Sometimes there are uncomfortable situations when there is no iron at hand. However, you can iron clothes in other simple ways.

Diana Dashkevich iron clothes lifehacks Helpful tips 8 August 2023

While some fabrics don't require ironing, some do - and that's why you should pick your curtains carefully. If you aren't sure that they can air dry without wrinkles, then you should probably iron them manually.

Kate Yakimchuk curtains maintenance housekeeping tips Helpful tips 8 July 2023

If your ironing went wrong, you can accidentally melt your fabric and stain your iron. Though it sounds unrealistic, it happens pretty often, because lots of clothes are now made from synthetics.

Kate Yakimchuk iron cleaning tips clothes Helpful tips 2 July 2023

Ironing often seems boring, it takes your time, and for some people, it seems to be not something that is actually necessary. At the same time, ironing has some important benefits, except for making your clothes look more neat.

Kate Yakimchuk iron clothing care Helpful tips 1 July 2023

When you're ironing clothes, you may have noticed that sometimes the fabric sticks to the iron.  It can lead to your clothes, and sometimes your iron as well, to become useless because of the stains, so you'll have to replace it.

Kate Yakimchuk iron fabric materials clothing care Helpful tips 29 June 2023