Misconceptions about chicken eggs: Know more about popular foods

03.06.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Chicken eggs can be one of the healthiest products you can start your day with.

Most people eat eggs for breakfast almost every day, but lots of us still have some misconceptions about them.

Let's find out more of this product.

Brown Eggs are Healthier than White Eggs

The color of an eggshell is only determined by the breed of the chicken and has no direct correlation with its nutritional value. 

Double-Yolk Eggs are Bad or Unhealthy

Double-yolk eggs occur when a hen releases two yolks in one eggshell. 


These eggs are not inherently bad or unhealthy. 

Eggs Raise Cholesterol Levels

Eggs were previously thought to be linked to increased cholesterol levels due to their high cholesterol content. 

However, it is now understood that dietary cholesterol has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol for most people. 

Unrefrigerated Eggs are Unsafe

In many countries, eggs are sold and stored at room temperature, while in others, they are refrigerated. 

Both unrefrigerated and refrigerated eggs can be safe to eat, as long as proper food handling and storage practices are followed.

Blood Spots Indicate Fertilization

Occasionally, eggs may have small blood spots on the yolk or white, which are harmless and do not indicate that the egg is fertilized. 

These spots are caused by the rupture of a blood vessel during the egg formation process and are not an indicator of embryonic development.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Brown Eggs are Healthier than White Eggs
  2. Double-Yolk Eggs are Bad or Unhealthy
  3. Eggs Raise Cholesterol Levels
  4. Unrefrigerated Eggs are Unsafe
  5. Blood Spots Indicate Fertilization