

Dogs are supposed to be active and full of energy, and when they're suddenly not, it's often a concern. When your pet is healthy, then the main reason for that is just laziness - your dog has gained a new habit because of your actions.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets tips Animals 1 November 2023

The fact is that the concept of laziness can hide a huge number of different phenomena: fatigue, depression, apathy, physical health problems, lack of motivation, lack of understanding of oneself and one’s desires, fear, slowness and thoughtfulness, immaturity and inability to cope with life.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 8 October 2023

Laziness, often defined as a reluctance or lack of desire to exert effort or engage in activity, is commonly viewed as a negative trait.  However, it is essential to recognize that laziness isn't always bad and can have some positive aspects.

Kate Yakimchuk relax energy Psychology 6 August 2023

Laziness is a generalized construct. With this word we usually name a whole set of factors that express a lack of diligence or a complete rejection of useful activity, a preference for free rest for work.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 2 June 2023