

With regular use, a dark coating forms on the soleplate of the iron. This happens when the fabric begins to burn due to incorrectly chosen temperature conditions or too long contact with the hot surface of the device. In this case, the equipment will require proper cleaning.

Diana Dashkevich iron cleaning Helpful tips 12 September 2023

Dishwashing detergent is a good substitute for soap. It is great to deal with greasy plaque and soot.

Diana Dashkevich home cleaning Helpful tips 7 September 2023

Washing the toaster inside with water is strictly contraindicated. A toaster is an electrical appliance, its “insides” cannot be washed, just like the heating elements.

Diana Dashkevich toaster cleaning Helpful tips 7 September 2023

In the article we will tell you how to add coziness to the bedroom.

Diana Dashkevich bedroom design decoration House Design 31 August 2023

To remove traces of glue at home, a variety of means are used: water, alcohol, acetone, vegetable oil, various solvents, etc.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning stains Helpful tips 30 August 2023

Then you can resort to polyurethane cornices and moldings (overhead decorative elements, "ceiling plinth".). They close the junction of two planes, make the transition of walls into the ceiling smooth and soft, small irregularities are hidden.

Diana Dashkevich ceilings painting decoration House Design 30 August 2023

Standard cleaning takes from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the number of rooms in the apartment. General cleaning will last about 5-7 hours. The same amount will be required for cleaning after repair.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning apartment Helpful tips 30 August 2023

The marker is not erased from the board due to the fact that the surface of the board begins to absorb the marker without the possibility of cleaning.

Diana Dashkevich stains cleaning Helpful tips 29 August 2023

In the article we will tell you how to clean different surfaces and fabrics from old and fresh raspberry stains.

Diana Dashkevich stains cleaning washing Helpful tips 29 August 2023

The aluminum salts found in antiperspirants mix with the salts and lipids found in sweat, forming permanent yellow stains on clothing.

Diana Dashkevich clothes stains cleaning Helpful tips 26 August 2023

Any cosmetic oil, including baby oil, will help remove wax residues. It is necessary to carefully wipe the skin with cotton pads; it may be necessary to repeat the procedure several times until a feeling of cleanliness is achieved.

Diana Dashkevich candle wax cleaning Helpful tips 26 August 2023

These fabrics don't like water, so dry vacuuming is a delicate way to keep the décor attractive. Vacuuming is an easy and reliable way to rid your curtains of dust at home. Any kind of curtains and fabric can be dry cleaned by your household helper.

Diana Dashkevich living room curtains House Design 25 August 2023

In the article, you will learn from the creative use of plastic bottles in everyday life.

Diana Dashkevich ecology bottle plastic House Design 24 August 2023

The ideal option for storing clothes that you have already worn is a separate closet for them. It can be quite small - in one or two sections - so it does not take up much space.

Diana Dashkevich clothes clothing care organization Helpful tips 24 August 2023

To do this, take about 10 liters of water (warm), rub 2 tablespoons of ordinary soap and throw into the water. Add 5 large tablespoons of soda to the resulting liquid. With the help of a roller moistened with this liquid, you can wash off all the whitewash from the ceiling. Wipe the surface with soapy water until the surface is completely clean.

Diana Dashkevich ceilings cleaning Helpful tips 24 August 2023

To thoroughly clean the damaged surface, it is necessary to arm yourself with a hard sponge and a metal brush. Wet the bath, pour a thick layer of cleaning powder, wait 10-15 minutes and then wipe the surface of dirt and rust. Rub the most polluted places with a brush.

Diana Dashkevich bathroom cleaning tips Helpful tips 23 August 2023

House cleaning burns calories and releases endorphins and feel-good chemicals. Therefore, any kind of cleaning, even taking out the trash and organizing a closet or a nursery, reduces anxiety and has a positive effect on our mental health.

Diana Dashkevich kitchen cleaning Helpful tips 22 August 2023

You can not clean the linoleum with soda, alkaline detergents (they can ruin the structure of the canvas, making it brittle). It is not recommended to wash linoleum with too hot water (it can also adversely affect the condition of the coating). Soak the cloth in a bucket of warm water and mild detergent.

Diana Dashkevich floors cleaning Helpful tips 22 August 2023

Fresh stains must first be removed with a thick cloth or paper towel. Next - wipe the place of contamination with a chemical solution. After a few minutes, wipe the problem area with a dry cloth, and then wash it using any detergent.

Diana Dashkevich floors cleaning wood Helpful tips 19 August 2023

Wash with cool water, microfiber cloth; During general cleaning, you can rinse with a solution with the addition of starch - 1 tbsp is added per 1 liter. a spoonful of any starch; Every day you can wipe the frosted glass with a suede cloth or velvet.

Diana Dashkevich glass cleaning Helpful tips 19 August 2023