

Dryness can be bad for your lungs and skin, but humidity can cause mold, furniture damage, and pests. When your house is too humid, you can do some things to fix that problem and avoid lots of issues.

Kate Yakimchuk tips mold fixing Helpful tips 1 November 2023

Basements tend to be wet an dark - exactly how slugs love them. To get rid of these pests, you should make plenty of things to get rid of moisture first, but that's not all.

Kate Yakimchuk slugs pests tips Helpful tips 31 October 2023

You already know that you can't water your plants too often or too much - it can harm them, because your plants and soil can't use too much water. That's how moisture capacity works - your garden only takes what it needs, and the rest can only damage it and make it weak.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips soil Garden 6 October 2023
wet leave

A garden can become too wet due to various factors related to water accumulation and poor drainage.  Excess moisture in the garden soil can lead to a range of problems that affect plant health and overall garden aesthetics. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips Garden 16 August 2023
washing powder

If your washing detergent has gotten wet, it might clump together or become less effective.  The good news is that you can reverse this process, and make it effective once again.

Kate Yakimchuk detergent tips cleaning Helpful tips 15 August 2023