

Most people claim that you should always love yourself no matter what, but for some people, it's generally not that easy to do. For example, self-hatred can be a real problem that affects your worldview, decisions, and how you take care of yourself.

Kate Yakimchuk self-hatred mental health therapy thoughts Psychology 4 January 2024

Have you ever met people who always seem to be in a good mood, no matter what? You can't see it too often, because being so optimistic is a rare gift - but it doesn't mean that you can't learn it!

Kate Yakimchuk positivity personality tips Psychology 27 November 2023
thumbs up

A new experiment claims that the common belief that trying to suppress negative thoughts is really bad for our mental health can be wrong. Specialists asked 120 volunteers from around the world to try to stop thinking about negative things that worried them.

Kate Yakimchuk positivity research depression Psychology 4 October 2023
happy man

People often think that only privileges make people happy - but it seems to be wrong. A new study shows that there are way more factors that can affect your worldview, and having some privileges is just one aspect of it.

Kate Yakimchuk research privilege worldview Psychology 14 September 2023

Optimists always can see something good and stay positive, even when things go not as well as planned. On the other hand, realists are more down-to-earth, with realistic expectations and stable mental health.

Kate Yakimchuk personality psychologist tips Psychology 4 June 2023