pet health


Cats' ears are quite tender and sensitive, so they are often attacked by various infections. When an infection is pretty hard to cure, it's way easier to prevent it, or stop it at the very beginning.

Kate Yakimchuk ear infection cats health signs Animals 26 January 2024

Pet owners often get scratches from their pets, and they usually don't pay too much attention to them. Meanwhile, some scratches can be quite dangerous, so you should pay attention to them to avoid complications.

Kate Yakimchuk scratches pets facts health infections Animals 18 January 2024

Dogs aren't just carnivores – they are omnivores, and they actually need plant-based foods to stay healthy and active. For example, dogs can and should eat vegetables, especially some kinds of them.

Kate Yakimchuk dog food vegetables dieting omnivore Animals 10 January 2024

Dog owners know that sometimes their pets try to eat everything they see, so they have to be careful with that habit. Meanwhile, not everything except for special dog food is bad for your pet - some foods can actually be pretty beneficial for their health.

Kate Yakimchuk dog food food pets dieting Animals 2 January 2024

If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, then you can build a dog house for it! While it might seem to be too hard, it actually isn't – you just have to collect materials and tools.

Kate Yakimchuk dog house dogs DIY crafts Animals 29 December 2023

Smaller kittens can have fleas, and it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible - but how to do it? Kittens require effective, but also safe methods, so you won't accidentally harm them.

Kate Yakimchuk fleas kittens pests cat health Animals 27 December 2023

You have to walk your dog regularly, unless you want to clean your house daily - and it's especially important for those who rent apartments. To make sure that no accidents will happen, you should have a schedule of when and how often you should walk your dog.

Kate Yakimchuk dog walk dogs schedule tips Animals 22 December 2023

While cats love routines, they also love exploring new things - and it's also true for their food. You can always buy your cat's favorite food and snacks, but you can also experiment with it and add new things to your cat's diet.

Kate Yakimchuk cat food dieting food tips Animals 21 December 2023

When your pet aches, it can't always tell you that something goes wrong - so they tend to tolerate pain silently. Meanwhile, a headache can be a serious symptom, so it's better to know some signs that your dog might have it.

Kate Yakimchuk headache dogs dog health signs Animals 18 December 2023

Every pet owner wants their fluffy friend to live as long as it's possible - but how to achieve that? There are lots of things that affect your cat's longevity, and knowing them can help you make the best choices to keep your pet healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk cat health longevity health tips Animals 16 December 2023

Puppies need a special diet to stay healthy, so their owners should give them foods full of vitamins and nutrients they need. While lots of so-called 'human' foods aren't great for puppies, there are still some foods you can give to your pet.

Kate Yakimchuk puppy health food tips dogs Animals 16 December 2023

Regular vet checks are vital for every dog, because that's how you can keep it healthy. You should also save the medical data of your dog, so your vet will always know what's going on.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs veterinary medical data Animals 2 December 2023

Not all dog collars are comfortable to wear, so you should always check your pet's neck for signs of irritation. If you notice that a new collar causes lots of discomfort to your pet, then you should remove it and take good care of your dog.

Kate Yakimchuk dog collar skin irritation dogs tips Animals 1 December 2023

You can have a few dogs in your life and make some mistakes in how you treat them. Even keen dog owners often make mistakes, but it's still better to educate yourself to fix these mistakes.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs training mistakes care treatment Animals 1 December 2023

Some unusual practices like aromatherapy can benefit not only you, but also your cat! Pets tend to have an amazing sense of smell, so using specific aromas can help them relax and feel generally better.

Kate Yakimchuk aromatherapy cats cat health tips Animals 30 November 2023

Tiny kittens are easy targets for some illnesses, so you should be alert to notice any signs that something might go wrong. In most cases, these signs are quite obvious, but sometimes you should be able to notice behavior changes to stop the illness.

Kate Yakimchuk pets kittens cats cat health Animals 28 November 2023

Pets might not be as conscious or intelligent as humans, but they definitely have emotions and feelings, so they can be happy. To be a good pet owner, you should make sure that your cat is happy - but how can you even understand that?

Kate Yakimchuk pets cat health cats tips Animals 28 November 2023

If your cat sheds more than usually, it's not always a bad sign - usually it's a pretty natural process. Intensive shedding in cats is a common and natural process that occurs to help them regulate their body temperature, remove dead or damaged fur, and renew their coat. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts cats cat fur Animals 25 July 2023
sad cat

Cats are meticulous groomers, using their rough tongues to clean their fur and remove loose hairs.  The cat's tongue has tiny hook-like structures called papillae, which catch loose hairs and allow them to be swallowed.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts cats cat fur Animals 22 July 2023
rat and apple

While it's tempting to share natural treats with your pet rats, not all fruits are safe for their consumption.  Some seemingly innocent fruits can actually pose risks and lead to digestive problems for these adorable critters. 

Kate Yakimchuk pet rats fruits pets facts Animals 21 July 2023