

You can find plenty of housekeeping tips online, and all of them promise amazing results - but do they actually work? In fact, not only all tips aren't equally useful, but some of them can actually damage your pipes, or make your problem worse.

Kate Yakimchuk pipes cleaning mistakes tips Helpful tips 22 November 2023

If you're not careful enough, then you can get your pipes severely clogged - it happens to almost everyone at least once. While in most cases you have to call a professional to fix this problem, you can also try fixing it on your own.

Kate Yakimchuk clog pipes tips Helpful tips 7 November 2023

Plumbing can be a pretty complex system, especially for people who don't know how it works, so it's better to trust it to professionals. Meanwhile, your regular maintenance can make your plumbing last for years, or destroy it quickly.

Kate Yakimchuk maintenance tips mistakes Helpful tips 11 October 2023
kitchen sink

Maintaining cleanliness and eliminating odors and fruit flies in your kitchen plumbing is crucial. If you neglect regular cleaning, you may encounter unpleasant odors and attract pesky fruit flies, especially during the summer season.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips sink kitchen cleaning Helpful tips 28 June 2023

Plumbing needs regular maintenance and the main thing you should do is clean the pipes. This step helps it work and smell better.

Kate Yakimchuk pipes cleaning tips Helpful tips 11 June 2023