Dating a manipulator: Psychologist's insights

30.09.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Dating a manipulator can be an extremely traumatizing experience for everyone, and especially for people who are soft-hearted and gentle.

It's not only unpleasant or unhealthy - it can also be pretty dangerous for your mental health.

Here are a few reasons why dating manipulators is a bad idea.

They Can Be Deceptive

Manipulators often pretend to be someone they're not. They might act kind and caring at first, but it's just to win your trust.

They Control You

They use tactics like guilt, lies, and emotional manipulation to control your thoughts and actions. This can make you feel like you're walking on eggshells.



Manipulators often try to keep you away from friends and family. 

They want you to depend on them entirely, making it harder for you to seek help or support.

Emotional Abuse

They can be hurtful with their words, making you feel bad about yourself. Over time, this can damage your self-esteem and mental health.

Financial Control

Some manipulators control your money and finances, making it tough for you to be independent.

Dangerous Escalation

In extreme cases, manipulation can escalate to physical harm or violence.

It's Hard to Leave

Manipulators can make you feel like you can't leave the relationship. They may threaten you or make you believe you're nothing without them.


It's not always easy to spot a manipulator quickly, but if you notice some of these signs, then try your best to stay away from this person!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. They Can Be Deceptive
  2. They Control You
  3. Isolation
  4. Emotional Abuse
  5. Financial Control
  6. Dangerous Escalation
  7. It's Hard to Leave
  8. Conclusion