Expert Explained: What Causes Early Gray Hair

22.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Over time, melanocytes produce less and less melanin and eventually stop producing it entirely. Due to the lack of melanin, the hair loses its color. In gray hair, the amount of melanin is reduced, and in white hair it is completely absent.

What causes early gray hair

Physiological graying occurs as a result of the fact that the cells that produce pigments begin to age. But gray hair at an early age appears due to the fact that melanocytes die or lose their activity.

What is missing in the body if gray hair appears

In most cases, it is the deficiency of melanin that causes graying of the hair. The appearance of gray hair may be early in your family. If you noticed gray hairs at a young age, then most likely your parents and grandparents also got gray hair quite early.

You cannot change genetics.

Is it possible to turn gray from stress

A study published in the journal Nature found that chemicals triggered during an emotional stress response (specifically norepinephrine) deplete hair color "stocks". However, domestic quarrels or problems at work are not enough to cause such a reaction.


What to eat to avoid gray hair

Vitamin B12.

Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause premature drying and discoloration of hair. Meat, eggs, cheese, milk, seafood - all these foods contain vitamin B12, which is essential for hair and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What causes early gray hair
  2. What is missing in the body if gray hair appears
  3. Is it possible to turn gray from stress
  4. What to eat to avoid gray hair