Expert Explained: What is Visualization Technique

29.09.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Imagining a happy ending instead of such memories (a process called rescripting) led to improved quality of life and increased self-esteem in at least one study.

What is visualization

Visualization is a method of presenting something perceived in the form of an optical image (drawings, diagrams, graphs, block diagrams, maps, tables, etc.).

In other words, it is a visual representation of information.

What is visualization in psychology and how does it work

Visualization is the creation of imaginary images, imagining yourself in a situation where your goals have already been achieved.

It is believed that at this moment the subconscious is triggered, and the brain, regardless of the will and actions of a person, begins to strive for what it wants, for example, high earnings and expensive purchases.


How visualization affects the brain

Specifically, visualization stimulates the reticular activation system, an area in the brain that acts as a filter for information and allows you to notice only what is important to you.

That's why, when you start thinking about a new job or a new client, suddenly opportunities come your way.

How visualization works in meditation

Incorporating visualization into daily meditation can enhance the effect by allowing people to direct their mind's eye to a specific outcome they would like to see.

The amygdala responds to a visual stimulus in a manner similar to what it does in real time.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is visualization
  2. What is visualization in psychology and how does it work
  3. How visualization affects the brain
  4. How visualization works in meditation