Expert Explanation: What is Trust in Relationships

06.01.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Trust is an internal feeling expressed in the fact that a person can identify the interests of another person with his own.

In other words, if I trust someone, I can rely on him as on myself.

What destroys trust

Lying is one of the most destructive habits in any relationship.

It not only undermines trust, but also inevitably leads to conflicts and scandals. Contempt.

If one partner does not respect the other, this can also lead to a breach of trust.


Which people should you trust and why

First of all, they trust someone they know well and who has repeatedly proven their honesty and integrity.

This is what relieves you of fear and creates fertile ground for trust.

People also tend to trust those who are similar to them in many ways.

How do I know if I have trust issues

Trust issues are characterized by fears of betrayal, rejection, or manipulation.

And this fear often results from betrayal (such as infidelity), childhood neglect of the child's needs by parents, or manipulation (such as dishonesty or gaslighting).

What is included in trust

Trust refers to an open relationship between people or a group of people, which are characterized by complete confidence in each other, mutual decency, honesty and benevolence.

Trust is a must in friendships or romantic relationships.

We previously talked about borderline personality disorder.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What destroys trust
  2. Which people should you trust and why
  3. How do I know if I have trust issues
  4. What is included in trust