An Explanation from a Psychologist: What is an Emotion Diary and How It Helps

16.07.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

The diary of emotions is a frequent practice in psychotherapy and self-help in difficult life situations. In the article we will tell in detail about what it is and why it is useful.

What are the benefits of keeping a diary

Keeping a diary can help you stay healthy, relieve stress, get rid of negative thoughts, and simply free your head from unnecessary information. You should not start a diary just to write in it about how you were offended and how bad everyone is around.

Why Keep an Emotion Diary

The diary of emotions allows people to identify their emotions and discharge them in a civilized way, get rid of difficult conditions. In the wheel of Robert Plutchik, emotions are depicted as a specific graphic element and are decomposed into modalities.

What is fraught with suppression of emotions

If you deliberately do not let out and suppress negative emotions, they will go deep into us and "settle" there. Worse, they will create a kind of vacuum inside, which is filled with all sorts of experiences and disturbing reflections.

When is the best time to keep a diary

Consistency and regularity will make this practice more effective. It is best to keep a diary in the evenings. So you can record the results of the day and analyze them without missing anything. At first, it may be unusual to expose your feelings on paper, but over time it will become easier and it will become a pleasant routine.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of keeping a diary
  2. Why Keep an Emotion Diary
  3. What is fraught with suppression of emotions
  4. When is the best time to keep a diary